Hello and welcome to Beyond the Broadcast, a series of conversations about community building for public media. You see in the public media world that word community keeps popping up. It keeps bubbling up in the research and in all the conversations, and yet we very rarely stop to define it, let alone talk about how you actually go about building community. And so that's why we wanted to start these conversations. My name is Seth Resler. I am the community building consultant for Paragon, and every month I host a virtual event for public media broadcasters. This is a place where we get together and you can hear these interviews, these conversations that I am having with folks who work in community building, but outside of the radio or television industries. And then you can also talk to your fellow public media broadcasters to find out how they are implementing community building strategies. You are welcome to come. You are invited every month when we have these virtual events, but if you miss any, you can always catch up on the conversation here in this podcast. I hope you enjoy it.